Barnabás Börcsök

Passionate about the intersection of art and technology.

About Me

Hi, I am Barney, a Master of Science in Computer Science student at Georgia Tech . I am supervised by Prof. Bo Zhu and Prof. Greg Turk . I am interested in all aspects of computer graphics, with a special focus on physics-based simulation, rendering, and machine learning techniques.

I am happy to share with you tidbits from my life and things I find interesting.
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After trying out performing in theater plays, juggling, drawing, animating, making music and being part of (and eventually leading) a student-led vocational Design Studio at my university, I always found myself drawn right where the technology and the arts meet. Led by curiosity and interest in mathematics and engineering, I ended up pursuing a degree in Computer Science, where I got fascinated by current advancements in computer graphics research, and took special interest in the area during my undergraduate studies.


I am an MS in Computer Science student at Georgia Tech , specializing in Computer Graphics. My current research focuses on machine learning methods for physical simulations.

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (TU Budapest) in January 2023, where I was advised by Prof. László Szécsi in the Computer Graphics Group .

Inspired by an eventful exchange year at TUM, my undergraduate thesis focused on reduced-order fluid simulations, and using differentiable physics for teaching neural networks to control physical systems.

After graduation, I was a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the 6th semester BSc course “3D Graphics”. (As an undergraduate student, I was also a TA for the “Programming 1” and “System Modelling” courses.)

During my undergraduate studies, I spent two semesters in 2021–2022 at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) as an Erasmus Exchange Student. I completed 50 credits; mostly revolving around topics in deep learning, computer graphics, and computer vision.
While studying at TUM, I also had a wonderful time doing a 6-months internship at the Rendering R&D team of Dassault Systèmes 3DEXCITE , building a web-based 3D material editor from the ground up for enhancing in-house artist workflows.

Outside academia, I also enjoy long-distance running, (making and listening to) music, playing cardboard games, cooking, watching movies and series, and simply having a great time with friends.